
The flu vaccination is more important than ever, so we’re making it easier than ever to receive it. We offer flu shots to anyone 12 years and older, even if you or your loved one has never been a patient of ours before.

Appointments required. Please call the health center at the number below to make an appointment.

Before You Arrive

  • We recommend wearing a short-sleeved shirt.
  • We accept most insurance plans. Before you come in, please check with your insurance regarding coverage.

No appointments between noon and 12:30 p.m.

Vaccinations are also available at our Harbor Town, LakefrontMichigan Avenue, Sheboygan North TaylorFroedtert Pharmacy or FastCare® locations. Learn more about our flu shot options.

Registration Phone
Please call 920-476-6350 to register.Registration open.
Flu Clinic (Plymouth)

The flu vaccination is more important than ever, so we’re making it easier than ever to receive it. We offer flu shots to anyone 12 years and older, even if you or your loved one has never been a patient of ours before.Appointments required. Please call the health center at the number below to make an appointment.Before You ArriveWe recommend wearing a short-sleeved shirt.We accept most insurance plans. Before you come in, please check with your insurance regarding coverage.No appointments between noon and 12:30 p.m.Vaccinations are also available at our Harbor Town, Lakefront, Michigan Avenue, Sheboygan North Taylor, Froedtert Pharmacy or FastCare® locations. Learn more about our flu shot options.