We value our working relationships with news professionals.
Contact Media Relations
Contact us for information on breaking news, health care stories, interviews, events, experts, photos, and patient condition requests as applicable under privacy guidelines.
If you are a member of the media, e-mail [email protected] with your inquiry. We strive to answer requests as quickly as possible.
For media inquiries after hours or on weekends, page 414-314-5757.
Resources for Journalists
The Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin health network is proud of the role it plays in the health care of the community. As we engage in that role, we share our exciting story with the people of Wisconsin and northern Illinois with the help of another key member of the community — the news media.
How Froedtert Health and the Medical College of Wisconsin Work Together
The Froedtert (pronounced "fray-dert") Health Public Relations staff and the Medical College of Wisconsin’s Public Affairs department work together to coordinate media coverage for the Froedtert & MCW health network, and have delineated responsibilities for media relations to increase our responsiveness to the media and avoid duplication.
Stories related to patient care, new procedures, treatments and technology are handled by the Froedtert Health staff. The Medical College of Wisconsin staff handles stories involving research, education, faculty expert opinions and clinical trials. Email [email protected] to reach the Medical College’s Public Affairs office.
Guidelines for Reporters
The Froedtert Health Media Relations team is committed to providing excellent service to media representatives while respecting patient privacy. We understand you have deadlines and will do our best to respond quickly.
We’re guided in our role by applicable regulations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and hospital policy. Wisconsin Statutes 146.81 to 146.84 and the Wisconsin Hospital Association Health Care Media Guide are the basis for media relations policy at Froedtert Hospital.
Patient Condition Information
Please contact Media Relations to request patient conditions. You must provide the patient's first and last name, correctly spelled, and, if possible, the patient's date of birth. In most cases, we will be able to give a one-word condition or indicate that the person has been treated and released or has died. We don’t use the term "stable" as it only refers to a patient's vital signs. We do not provide the time and date of a patient's death or release.
These are the conditions we provide and their definitions:
- Undetermined: Patient is awaiting assessment.
- Good: Vital signs are stable and within normal limits; patient is conscious and comfortable; indicators are excellent.
- Fair: Vital signs are stable and within normal limits; patient is conscious, but may be uncomfortable; indicators are favorable.
- Serious: Vital signs may be unstable and not within normal limits; patient is acutely ill; indicators are questionable.
- Critical: Vital signs are unstable and not within normal limits; patient may be unconscious; indicators are unfavorable.
Patients or next of kin acting in their behalf may decline to authorize disclosure of information. In those cases, we cannot provide any information about the patient.
Information about a patient beyond a one-word condition, interviews, statements, photographs or video must be approved in writing in advance by the patient or next of kin acting in the patient’s behalf.
We cannot provide information about prisoner patients unless approved by the appropriate law enforcement agency.
Interviews, Photography, Film or Videotaping
We welcome media professionals seeking story sources and who want to interview patients, physicians, and hospital staff, or visit our facilities in that context. Please contact Media Relations to make these arrangements. Advance notice of on-site interviews is necessary so we can schedule the appropriate sources, obtain patient consent, notify the patient care areas involved and arrange a suitable location. For our patients' safety and privacy, media representatives on any Froedtert & MCW facility's premises must be escorted at all times by a Froedtert Health Media Relations team member or designated representative.
All photography, filming or videotaping at any Froedtert Health facility and/or in clinical areas requires an escort by a designated Froedtert Health representative. In working with you to arrange these activities, we’ll strive for times and locations that are least likely to disrupt patient care and privacy, and facility operations.
Drone Photography
Four Froedtert & MCW hospitals have helipads, requiring special considerations and flight restrictions. Please visit our Drone Operators page for details.
Stand-Ups/Live Broadcasts at Froedtert Hospital, Milwaukee
Media representatives may conduct stand-ups and live broadcasts in the vicinity of Froedtert Hospital on the Milwaukee Regional Medical Center campus. During business hours, advance notice to the Froedtert Health Media Relations team is recommended. Reporters and media vehicles must stay off hospital property unless they are accompanied by a Media Relations representative.
A suggested site for stand-up and live shots is the intersection of N. 92nd Street and Connell Avenue, which offers a view of Froedtert Hospital to the east.