Holy Family Memorial depends on the generosity of people like you to support community service programs, innovation initiatives, major services and other programs that serve Manitowoc County.
Holy Family Memorial, as a not for profit 501c3 charitable organization, depends on the generosity and support of our community to provide essential services to those in need. Annually, HFM provides close to $12 million dollars of uncompensated care to friends, families and neighbors in Manitowoc County. We do so because it is the right thing to do and because it is part of our longstanding mission of serving others in need as Jesus did. We are proud to provide necessary care for our community and work towards creating a healthier community. But, we need your help. Your investment in HFM today can positively impact a life tomorrow.
Thank you for considering a gift to HFM.
Where we need your help
Behavioral Health
Mental health and substance abuse are key community issues. Support is needed to provide mental health counseling to the uninsured and expand substance abuse services at HFM.
Spiritual Care
HFM provides body, mind and spirit care in a way that respects people’s personal beliefs. Your support is needed to provide personal caregiving and healing therapy.
Hearth and Cancer Care
HFM is in need of new, life-saving equipment to continue providing top quality, state of the art heart and cancer care, the two top killers in our community.
Thank you corporate partners